WWE: 10 Moments When Triple H's Ego Has Damaged Other Wrestlers

By Danny Parker /

It's only a matter of time before Triple H becomes a Hall Of Famer and rightfully so, he has earned the spot. The guy is a great in ring performer and has had some of the greatest feuds we have seen over the last two decades, an impressive list that includes, well, basically everybody worthwhile that you can think of. Rivalries shared with The Rock and Shawn Michaels being personal favourites. Only the list that I have compiled won't be celebrating The Cerebral Assassin achievements but more the power he has gained in the company, and how certain decisions have perhaps hindered the gimmicks and sometimes even careers of other WWE employees. Doing the horizontal bop with the bosses daughter will get you fired in most work places, but in the WWE it seems to get you the perks everybody thought were destined for Shane McMahon. I don't think HHH's relationship with Stephanie is the reason for his in ring success; he was heavily getting pushed before they became an item. I'm just suggesting that maybe his ego would go on to affect other talents.