WWE: 10 New Gimmicks That Revived Wrestlers' Careers

By Dean Ayass /

Every wrestler in the WWE needs a gimmick of some kind. It€™s a calling card, something that fans will remember you by. Even if fans don€™t immediately remember your name, they€™ll remember you as the crazy guy, the dancing guy, the creepy guy, the Irish guy, and so on. But it€™s safe to say that the first throw of the darts doesn€™t always hit the bullseye, and most wrestlers will represent many different gimmicks and images before they settle on the winner. When creative hit upon a gimmick that works, it becomes very clear very quickly that they€™ve hit the jackpot. Sometimes it€™s a flash in the pan which comes and goes within a couple of months. But if the gimmick €˜sticks€™, the fans get behind it, and the WWE manage to shift some merchandise, then you can very well be made for life. A good gimmick is something that just keeps on giving. This article looks at ten wrestlers whose careers were turned around by a new gimmick. Where they might have been floundering with an old gimmick, or stagnating and in need of a freshen-up or modernisation, these new looks and ideas added a whole new chapter to many wrestlers€™ careers.