WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (March 2)

By John Canton /

The month of February is over, which means the spring season is coming and for wrestling fans it's time for WrestleMania. Over the years, WrestleMania has taken place in the end of March a lot of times, early April at other times and sometimes even in mid-March. This year it's taking place on Sunday April 6 in New Orleans. With the Elimination Chamber PPV in the books, it also means that we know some matches for WrestleMania 30 now. The Undertaker will face Brock Lesnar, John Cena likely will face Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton defends the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Batista (for now) and it appears as though Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H is possible too. After that top four, we don't really know anything yet. Be patient, wrestling fans. There are still five more weeks of Raw and Smackdown to go before WrestleMania gets here, so over the course of the next month we'll know more about the card. There are some WrestleMania related questions in here of course. For the Q&A, I asked for questions using my Twitter account @johnreport and got a number of great questions. I usually do this column every Friday now, so if you follow me on Twitter just mention the Q&A or look for my tweets when I ask for questions. Let's get right into it.