Most wrestling matches tend to go one of four ways. The wrestlers either win by pinfall, by submission, by count out, or by disqualification. The wrestling community has learned to accept that one of these four finishes will occur at some point during a standard issue match. Sometimes something sneaky happens, sometimes theres interference, but for the most part these finishes are routine and to be expected. However, over the many years that professional wrestling has been on the air, the backstage crew has come up with some pretty whacky ways to finish a wrestling match. Sometimes these were done just to get a quick increase in ratings while others were done to extend an angle or push a storylines. Others simply have no excuse and have left fans perplexed to this very day. Some of these might be more memorable than others while others were so stupid that they were never heard from again and were forgotten in the annals of time (until some schmuck decides to write about them for a website.) Whatever your personal preference may be, theres no denying that these ten entries were pretty unique ways for a wrestling match to come to an end.