WWE: 10 Wrestlers Who Deserve To Be Repackaged

By David Noriega /

Sometimes a wrestler can be successful in spite of his gimmick, not these guys. These 10 wrestlers are in desperate need of a gimmick change. Of course I don't believe they all deserve one but that's neither here nor there. Repackaging a wrestler is risky business (just ask Mark Henry who still gets 'Sexual Chocolate" chants hurled his way). It's like rolling the dice in Vegas, more often than not, you're not going to get what you hope for. Just ask Tensai. In order for a wrestler to get repackaged successfully, they NEED to be taken off TV for a while. Whether it be 3, 6, or 9 months, a wrestler needs time to reinvent himself. In todays day and age of instant gratification, it's almost impossible to be patient enough to take the time and repackage someone and see how it plays out. Ask Jack Swagger. Now everyone I'm about to talk to has been a champion. Not necessarily a Heavyweight Champion but a champion none the less. Most of these guys still have the opportunity to reinvent themselves, some don't.