WWE: 20 Greatest Stables Of All Time

By David Noriega /

What's a stable? A stable is when wrestlers form a group and come together as one. There are many names for it besides a stable. Some may call it a group, a faction, or even a gang. Call it whatever you'd like, stables are just cool. Wrestling always seems to be more fun when there are stables around. It's no coincidence that the 90's were wrestling's pinnacle both as a sport and for stables. Every wrestler knew the better stable they were in, the better off they were for the long haul of their career. Being in a stable can be a career saver for some but for others, it's what catapults them into super stardom. These days stables almost seem to be a lost art and a thing of the past but with groups like The Shield (too new to make the list), The Aces and Eights, The Wyatt Family (the inspiration for this article) and the newly formed Main Event Mafia, stables could be making a comeback. For us as fans that should excite you. A good stable always makes things more interesting and entertaining. This is a list of the 20 greatest, most influential, fun, entertaining and powerful stables in wrestling history. If you're an 80's baby like me, then you'll be able to remember and appreciate most of the stables on this list. First, some honorable mentions.. The Brood. Lasting just over 8 months, The Brood was a creepy threesome led by Gangrel. Rising from underneath the arena and drinking blood, The Brood, more than anything will be remembered as the starting point for Edge and Christian who went on to become WWE Champions, both as a tag team and individually. Once the group disbanded, Gangrel debuted a New Brood faction just a month later with The Hardy Boyz who also evolved into champions later on in their careers. Ironically enough, Gangrel who was supposed to be the star and the leader of the group is the one who garnered the least amount of success in the WWE as his stable mates all flourished individually. Raven's Flock. As the outcasts of WCW, Raven's Flock was dark, grungy and just didn't give a s**t. Perry Saturn, Hammer, Horace, Kanyon, Kidman, Lodi, Reese, and Sickboy were Raven's running mates. They were often over looked by the mass audience because the NWO was just so hot at the time but Raven's Flock was a talented group that just never got the recognition they deserved. To this day, Raven is one of the most underrated workers in wrestling. In another attempt to recreate the NWO, Bischoff was desperate. Out of his desperation came Immortal. Immortal was TNA's ridiculous stable that had way too many members to count. Including Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. In typical Hogan fashion, it was sloppy and lazy but Immortal had potential to be a very powerful stable, had it been done right. The Kliq. Wrestling's most powerful behind the scenes, 'we wish it would've actually happened' stable. Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Diesel, Triple H, and 1-2-3 Kid would've been an incredibly powerful group had they ever made it on TV. Behind the scenes they did a great job of politicking for one another up until their disbandment when Hall and Nash decided to join WCW. This is the greatest 'we wish it would've actually happened' stable in wrestling history.