WWE: 20 Wrestlers Who Could Be Utilised In A Revamped Cruiserweight Division

By Alex Antliff /

The WWE Cruiserweight Championship was deactivated in 2007, having become something of a joke after Hornswoggle was awarded the belt. Since then, the company has continued to employ a significant number of smaller wrestlers, only to see almost all of them (with the exception of a handful of individuals like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan) struggle to rise from the midcard, with many rarely appearing on television at all despite the fact that the company now puts out around seven hours of programming each week. This programming is often lacking in depth, often being dominated by matches that have no build or storyline, or those which are merely rehashes of bouts from previous weeks, interspersed with an excessive amount of recaps. The revival of the Cruiserweight Championship could therefore hit two birds with one stone, giving smaller wrestlers who are not quite main event material (as a result of inexperience or a lack of connection with crowds) an opportunity to prove themselves in front of a television audience and lowering the amount of 'filler' content on the company's shows by adding a new division to base title feuds and storylines around. The following list (sorted alphabetically) outlines twenty wrestlers (all of whom are currently contracted to the company), that could become part of such a division, which previously had a weight limit of 225lbs. This could either be scrapped (allowing anybody to compete, in the vein of TNA's X Division) or kept with the stipulation that wrestlers over the limit are given their own championship (such as the World Heavyweight Championship, which has become somewhat irrelevant since the end of the brand split) to exclusively compete for as compensation.