WWE: 5 Awful Gimmicks That Lasted Longer Than They Should Have

By K.J. Stewart /

The WWE has been the home of several terrible wrestler gimmicks in its time, but most of the awful ones get discarded fairly quickly due to a poor reception from 'the WWE universe' (the fans) and general lack of popularity. However, some terrible gimmicks stand the test of time and manage to last - for unbeknown reasons - much longer than they should have lasted. The majority of gimmicks in the early days of WWE (or WWF as it was then known) were fun and inventive and didn't really degrade the talent, but in recent times there have been far too many gimmicks that have been beyond silly, often reducing potentially great in-ring performers to nothing more than laughing stocks (that's not to say that all of the wrestlers in this list are great performers, mind you!). So, let's take a look at some of the worst gimmicks of recent times which lasted a lot longer than they should have!