WWE: 5 Reasons Why John Cena Is Everything That Is Wrong With Professional Wrestling

By Brad Lee /

Well here it is. By popular demand I have dedicated my now 7th installment on what I believe is wrong with professional wrestling today to the one and only, vomit inducing, WWE defiling entity known as John Cena. Now unlike my other opinions that have firmly been set in stone for quite some time, I had to sit here and seriously consider what I was planning to submit. For the number one reason I myself can't stand this guy in any aspect is the simple fact that I cannot tolerate repetitiveness and predictability of any kind. But what type of hypocrite would I be if I just sat here and used the same tired old arguments that have been plaguing the wrestling community now for at least half a decade? I am sorry but I have way too much respect for myself to simply lower the bar to that of "smark." So after I threw out a bit of a curveball (or spin bowl for us Aussies) with my last piece which was in essence a guide for John Cena fans on how to deal with the hypocrisy of many Smark remarks (which you can read by clicking here), it was apparent through the comments section and private correspondence that the expectations for me to "tear Cena a new one" was quite high. But as I did not wish to repeat the simple mistake that I personally stated is at the epi-centre of my main gripe with John Cena, I decided to actually come up with arguments that support my initial assessment of the "Prototype" that not only have been seemingly glossed over by the masses in favor of his more obvious flaws, but may not have been even remarked upon a worldwide platform like this website before now. Now I hope I get at least a bit of credit for this, because in order not to fall back on the usual clichéd ridden rhetoric that accompanies most debates about the former Doctor of Thuganomics, I literally wrote a list in my little black book (actually, it's red) detailing what subjects I was forbidden to refer to in anyway unless it was absolutely relevant in describing my point in full. Highlights of this list included his five moves of doom, his refusal to turn heel, his seemingly indestructible wrestling ability, and any reference to him being "the face of the PG era." All of which have been done to death and I would simply be beating a dead horse. Not to mention if I did include what everyone already knows the title would be "20 Reasons Why...."
But that did not leave me with too many options left to consider. In fact that it why this article took some time to complete. But I do love a challenge and my ultimate goal is to change the wrestling industry for the better. So now I present to you the product of my efforts (and in fact the first I actually needed to spend a significant amount of time working on) and the fruit of my keyboards loins, 5 Reasons Why John Cena Is Everything Wrong With Professional Wrestling Today That You May Have Never Even Considered...