WWE: 5 WrestleMania Entrances That Blew Our Minds

By Mr. Bowman /

Sports Entertainment has routinely relied on a performer's entrance to evoke all types of emotions over the years. The music, the lights and even the pyrotechnics when applicable are used to inspire faith, hate, and love all in the name of furthering the development of a Superstars character. For one day out of the year, the WWE will open the books, loosen the metaphorical purse strings and go all out on a superstar's entrance. That day is when we all behold "The Grandest Stage of Them All", where rivalries come to a head and a streak 20+ years long is observed. What follows is a brief list of some of the most awe inspiring entrances to have been witnessed when we come to an end to the road to WrestleMania!

5. Rey Mysterio And His Custom Comic Book Ring Attire

This first entry may seem like a cop out as it does span numerous WrestleMania's but I would be remiss as a pro wrestling fan but also a comic book nerd to not include this particular set of entrances. Rey Mysterio has never been one to hide his own inner comic book nerd. He has taken his WrestleMania appearances and turned them into a tradition of geekdom celebration. Rey has been known in previous years to commission specialized ring gear that reflects the costume of well-known comic book heroes or villains. Starting at WrestleMania 20, Rey popped out from under the stage clad in red and yellow, dressed as a Luchador Flash of DC Comic fame. WrestleMania 25 saw Rey not only channel his inner Joker but also claim the Intercontinental Strap from JBL in 21 seconds flat. The sheer shock of the result caused JBL to "Quit" on the spot, leaving many fans to ask JBL "Why So Serious?". Finally, Rey stood up for all that was right when he made his entrance to the 27th WrestleMania stage dressed as "The First Avenger" Captain America. Now, though the WrestleMania XXX card is currently Luchador free, that doesn't mean that we won't see a long distance call to the 619 as Mysterio is currently part of the active roster and cards are liable to change at a moments notice. Which comic book hero or villain would you like to see Mysterio come to the ring dressed as in the coming years?