WWE: 6 NXT Wrestlers Who Will Be The Future Of WWE

Here's our pick of the crop for who we expect to see on RAW/Smackdown soon enough.

By Matt Aspin /

As FCW is rebranded as NXT who will be the breakout stars that make it big in WWE? If like us you've been enjoying watching NXT (formerly Florida Championship Wrestling) more than the WWE main roster's TV show's - RAW and Smackdown - then you'll probably be wondering which stars are going to be getting that main roster call up and when, and just how successful they will be during their time in the spotlight. NXT the TV show has created stars in Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and AJ Lee but it has also been the undoing of some established talents such as Low Ki. What fate awaits the current roster remains to be seen, but here's our pick of the crop for who we expect to see on RAW/Smackdown and just how successful they will be.

6. Bray Wyatt

Remember Waylan Mercy? Well, Bray Wyatt is what Waylan Mercy could have been had Dan Spivey not been past his prime. Looking like the illegitimate son of John Tenta and Dennis Knight, the former Husky Harris is easily one of the most exciting prospects coming out of WWE developmental for quite some time. He has size, charisma, speed and a unique look that helps him standout from his fellow NXT superstars. There was nothing wrong with the way Husky Harris came across during his run as part of New Nexus and we were sad when he was taken off television. He has clearly used his time away from the spotlight wisely and created a curious character that screams future main eventer. Enough time has passed since he was last on RAW for fans to have forgotten who he is, so give the guy a few more months honing his new persona and he'll be ready for a call up.

Dream Opponents: Sheamus, John Cena