WWE: An Open Letter To Lanny “The Genius” Poffo

By Brad Lee /

First off I would like to apologise if this in any way offends or is intrusive or inappropriate, but I feel that I need to make a statement about the up and coming WWE Hall of Fame ceremony, specifically the impending induction of your brother and fellow legend, Randy "Macho Man" Savage. But of course, before I truly begin, let me just mark out a little and say I am also a big fan of yours as well. My childhood was spent growing up in my parents' "pub" within the geographical isolation that can be the Australian Outback. I obviously won't be going into too many specifics today, as it may make some of our readers uncomfortable, but I will say that due to the abusive nature, both physical and mental, it was "unpleasant" to say the very least. Fortunately though, I grew up in a somewhat enriched environment when it came to all things entertainment, as for what my parental unit lacked in morality and common sense, it made up for in the ability to distract those outside our world by way of technological diversions, eyes hidden by sunlight and under smiling faces. So, along with my extended family on both sides, who were all quite unique showmen in their own right, I was lucky(?) enough to get it all, both good and bad. My earliest memories are experiences like sitting in front of a P.A. listening to great Australian bands of all genres, some of whom even went on to become quite well known. I was fortunate enough to have access to what possibly could have been one of the first ever big screen televisions at the time, in the form of a rear projection TV that had a screen 80 inches across, with both Beta and VHS capabilities, where we would show movies on to everyone in town, as the nearest equivalent was a drive 50km away. But along with all of this, as well as a naivety of parental advisory concerns and living in proximity to a great cafe that got in all the latest video cassettes once a month, I also had what you could describe as Australia's first ever pay television network, Sky television, which had as a part of its programming the now global entity, then known as the WWF, on a few day a week. Now, I personally don't remember if it was live or delayed or whatever, but we grew up with all the greats throughout the 80's that are simply too numerous to mention, and one of them was of course your brother, Randy Poffo. Now, as I mentioned, I am a product of a rather less than happy childhood. Well, to be blunt, I have seen the worst of humanity and horrors that would have sent most of the general population screaming into the mental institution tightly wrapped in a straitjacket. In actual fact, it has left me with post traumatic stress disorder and a spine that ain't quite up to scratch. My life is what some might constitute as a diary of a madman. But I am here and I am still standing. And I am still fighting. And although I may fall from time to time, I will get up and fight again, because of one reason. As a tormented child, I was able to find an escape into the fantasy worlds that were provided to me via all of these wonderful inventions, one of which showcased your brother in all of his glory. Now, although I have already given credit where credit is due to a lot of movies that influenced my ethics and morals in how I conduct my life (which I myself have failed to live by many times before I found my way), I have never really spoken about how I feel in regards to the WWF Superstars who showed me not only how to differentiate between good and evil, but taught me that no matter what life (and evil) throws at you, you get up and you just keep on fighting. NEVER LET THE BAD GUYS WIN! Along with a lot of others, I loved the Macho Man. I also hated the Macho Man. I laughed when he was a face, I cried when he was a heel. I shared the joy of his love with Miss Elizabeth, I felt the heartbreak when they were divided, but no matter what happened, Randy and the other superstars taught me not only what was right from what was wrong, but never to give up in the face of ANY adversity. So, in the absence of a positive male influence, I guess you could technically say that they are my surrogate parents so to speak. So, when it was announced that you had decided to allow your brother to be inducted into the Hall of Fame but wanted no part of it in respect out of Randy's wishes, that kind of tore me up a little inside. On one hand part of me agrees with your decision in full and commends you not only for the courage, but for the compassion you have shown the fans by allowing us what we have wanted to see ever since he was tragically taken from us for reasons I still can't fathom could be important enough. But after much quiet reflection with the other side of my soul, I find that maybe in this one instance, even though this decision may be morally right, it might not be ethically right. All of us who loved him have a duty to make sure he is never forgotten. If I had the opportunity to travel forward in time 1000 years and found that no one was going "OOOOOOOH YEAHHHHHH" still to that day on a regular basis, I think it would be a serious failure on all of our parts. Hell, I even put my own version of it on a demo I released under the guise of being a musician with one of my many failed attempts at rock stardom, Axe Bomber. Yes, you heard that right, I named my band after the now seemingly forgotten wrestling term, "Axe Bomber." Randy Poffo needs to be honored and honored right, not only for his contributions to the wrestling world, but to kids like me, all of us that would most likely be dead or in jail if it wasn't for him and the other superstars whom literally saved our lives and gave us hope when there was none. The only way that is going to happen is if he is inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame by family and by you. Now, I know you have concerns about whatever money might be profited from doing this, and I understand completely. With that, I have a suggestion you might wish to consider; why not donate all proceeds and payment into creating a "Macho Man Foundation" which helps rehabilitate old wrestlers who have fallen on hard times? What DDP has done with Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall is simply amazing, truly inspirational and needs to continue, whether under his guidance (I am sure he would at least help set it up) or not. Every time I hear another tale of horror about how these men whom literally saved my life are living after sacrificing so much just for our entertainment, or another story about a pro wrestler dying prematurely, it just breaks my heart in two every time. If there was any way we could stem this flow of human tragedy, then I think all of us, both within the industry and us fans around the world, have a duty as human beings to deliver in full. So, I hope you reconsider your decision when it relates to inducting your brother into the WWE Hall of Fame, although if this does not sway your mind in anyway I will totally understand and respect your decision, and my status as a total mark to "the Genius" will forever remain strong, even more so considering you actually have the courage to say no and stand by your convictions. Either way, you have nothing left to prove to me or to anyone. I mean, come on! You are "the Genius!" The World's Smartest Man. R.I.P Randy "Macho Man" Savage (November 15, 1952 €“ May 20, 2011) Thank you for your time - A fan P.S. One more thing. Maybe you could consider one more run, as a manager perhaps?