WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Feb 22)

So if Paige had just come out of the shower, why wasn't her hair wet?

By Andrew Soucek /

This week in the world of wrestling, a long-time TNA favorite left the company, the last real ECW Champion invaded NXT, Triple H threatened to dig up the corpse of WCW and bury it again, and Drew Galloway (the former Drew McIntyre) returned to TV without his former bandmates, and then immediately nearly killed Lo Ki. Fastlane is almost upon us, and if you€™re a fan of thrown together six-man tag matches featuring Kane and The Big Show, then this is the show for you! But hey, it€™s free right? Well, the best line of the week belongs to Daniel Bryan with €œI had one less title defense than Brock Lesnar, so I don€™t think they needed to strip me of the title.€ While the worst line of the week, is awarded to R-Truth who graced us with €œWhoomp There It Is!€ straight out of 1993. TNA also hit a new low, at least in the audio department, because Mr. Anderson and Bram€™s promos were only audible if you had your ear pressed up against your TV. Since it was shot weeks ago, they should have experimented with dubbing, and let Mike Tenay do the voiceover for Anderson, just for the sake of fun. Now let€™s muscle buster our way through WWE and TNA€™s worst of the week!