WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (May 22)

If only we could use that time machine to forget this week in wrestling!

By Andrew Soucek /


This is extreme! Well, kind of. Sadly, this year at Extreme Rules there is no No Kiss Me Arse match booked for the show, or a WeeLC one like the year before that. They should probably just rename it Mild Rules, unless someone is kissing someone elses arse.


Well, if we cant have arses being kissed in our professional wrestling matches, then we can at least have a submission match! Yesssss! Wait...Natalya and Charlotte have submission moves as their finishers anyway. Shouldn't they have opted for something else? Maybe like a Ric Flair on a pole match?

Elsewhere in wrestling, we said goodbye to Velvet Sky in TNA for the third time. It just never gets any easier. The fourth time might break me. With Stardust leaving the company and Konnor suspended, were facing a disturbing lack of face painted wrestlers. Perhaps that's the missing ingredient to making Darren Young great again.


But lets not waste anymore time. Let's look to the cosmos, and Queen's Crossbow our way through WWE and TNAS worst of the week!