WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Nov 23)

The real Survivor Series is making it through a week of WWE TV without tapping out.

By Andrew Soucek /

WWE and TNA both just had an incredibly important week. WWE is hoping that enough new fans signed up to watch Survivor Series for free, and eventually make their network profitable. Meanwhile, TNA aired their last original programming on Spike TV. After nine years on the network, they're off to a new home and a fresh start. Which will then quickly turn back into the train wreck we've all grown to love. In minor news in the wrestling world, AJ Lee attacked Brie Bella with some silicone, HHH threatened to fire four WWE wrestlers (will they show up in TNA as The New Radicalz?) and Sheamus was replaced on Team Cena because nobody likes him. Or maybe it€™s because he€™s hurt. I don€™t remember the reason. In the most confusing moment of the week, Dean Ambrose was cutting a promo on Bray Wyatt during Raw when he revealed it was a pre-tape, and that he recorded the footage on his €œbuddy€™s cellphone.€ It€™s odd that the quality of his friends phone looked amazingly just like a WWE camera. And in the least funny/confusing moment of the week John Cena accused Stephanie McMahon of having a swamp in her pants. She has a low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects? In her pants of all places? She might want to get that checked. No better way to hard sell an upcoming pay-per-view then with some Cena humor! Well let€™s not waste anymore time. It€™s time to see who survived this series of questionable shows, and network switches, and expose the worst WWE and TNA moments of the week!