WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Nov 9)

How did so many smart people, get it oh so wrong this week?

By Andrew Soucek /

It was another crazy week in the wide world of wrestling. Adam Rose turned his back on a man in a bunny costume, Cesaro was fed to Ryback, and Renee Young decided to dress up as a zombie Native American for Halloween, because being insensitive in WWE is always a good career move! If you don€™t believe me, just ask Michael Cole (calling Josh Matthews a gay slur on Twitter), JBL (once insinuated the former governor of New Jersey who is a homosexual likes little boys) and Michael Hayes (Vince McMahon€™s favorite old-school racist). Renee, I thought you were different! In the most confusing and horribly dated statement of the week, Michael Cole said that The Bunny €œTwerking€ looked like Charlie Chaplin. How does that make any sense? Do Cole and JBL have a weekly competition to come up with the more outdated entertainment reference? Hey guys, how about Kane trying to climb a cage on SmackDown looked like Spencer Tracy trying to steer a boat in 1937€™s Captains Courageous! Do I win? Is that how this works? And in bad news for Americans everywhere, the country has has a new champion in Rusev. Will he be a better US Champ than Santino Marella, Zack Ryder and Orlando Jordan? Only time will tell. Speaking of time, it€™s time to metaphorically scrape the bottom off of Bastion Booger€™s boots. As Dolph Ziggler€™s theme song would say €œI€™m here to show the world, I€™m here to show the world€ the worst of the week!€