WWE Battleground 2014 Results Predictions

Find out who will earn a shock victory this weekend at Battleground!

By Grahame Herbert /

WWE Battleground takes place this Sunday July 20th from Tampa, Florida. The biggest stories going in are the threats to John Cena's WWE Championship and the feud between Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho. Supporting these main events you have a battle royal to crown a new Intercontinental champion and the bitter feud between friends turned foes Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins. The rest of the card if fairly decent too. The Usos battle Harper and Rowan again, which last time around at MITB was a stellar matchup. Another contest that will be worth watching is Rusev's feud with Jack Swagger, which has gained a lot of fan momentum these last few weeks. You also have AJ Lee in her first title defence against the former Divas champion Paige. On paper, that's a pretty good card. Critically it should prove a compelling night, there's some real talent on this show and the match dynamics look built for wrestling. Jericho vs Wyatt, Rollins vs Ambrose - these could genuinely be match of the year contenders. The problem is, for all the substance these matches have, they don't have much sizzle. Jericho vs Wyatt feels like a rushed feud, fans aren't as excited as they should be. The issue is that WWE have failed in their promotional efforts. Battleground is coming off as a throwaway show, a stepping stone to SummerSlam. You almost get the feeling that WWE are viewing this Sunday as a necessary chore to get them to where they really want to be, August's extravaganza. The promotional gloss may have been neglected, but there's still plenty of prospects to ponder over. With key SummerSlam feuds needing establishing, there could be some blockbuster angles this weekend. Our monthly results predictions details the potential shocks that could be on their way this weekend.