WWE: Brock Lesnar's 10 Best Moments

By Brad Hamilton /

It€™s very possible that at one point in the recent past, Brock Lesnar was the most intimidating human being to ever trample the soil of Earth. You could argue a case for gentlemen like Genghis Khan or Vlad The Impaler, but honestly neither of those guys could land a shooting star press on their enemies (and despite the contradictory evidence of WrestleMania 19, Brock CAN successfully perform one). Now granted, Cain Velasquez and Alistair Overeem may have somewhat contributed to the lessening of said intimidation factor, but there€™s no denying that Lesnar is still a monster among men. Rarely have we seen a physical specimen so perfectly suited to be a professional wrestler. Combining the elite athleticism of someone half his size with the physical traits of something more suited to fighting Kaiju than mere men, Lesnar is an awesome presence outside the ring and a one man barbarian horde inside of it. Since his WWE debut in 2002, the aptly-named €œBeast Incarnate€ has made a career of out gnawing upon the bones of his opponents until he grows bored, moving on to the next conquest. Among his incredible list of accolades are the NCAA Heavyweight Championship, the WWE Championship, the UFC Heavyweight Championship and marrying former WWE diva and Playboy cover model Sable. With the exception of his foray into the world of the NFL, he€™s reached the pinnacle of every one of his chosen endeavors. And even with the NFL, despite not playing a single down of football past the high school level and sustaining significant injuries in a motorcycle accident immediately prior to the tryout camp, he was still the last man cut before the final roster, which speaks to his insane genetic gifts and work ethic. Brock Lesnar made a much-anticipated return to WWE in 2012 after a successful run in mixed martial arts that saw him go 5-3 against the top competition in the world, including beating UFC legend Randy Couture for the heavyweight championship despite having very little formal training. However, the most difficult challenge he€™s faced thus far has been his bout with diverticulitis, which ultimately contributed to his walking away from the UFC. He came back for a heavy paycheck and a light schedule, and has become a special attraction for the company, only being used in big time spots. After his shocking defeat of The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX, Lesnar is apparently taking some time off before returning for another headlining program this summer. So while he's away rinsing off the dust of The Undertaker's legacy, let's take the time to revisit the 10 best moments of his career.