WWE: Does Pro Wrestling Need Mystery in Storylines?

By Lee Heir /

Over the years, Pro Wrestling has always attempted to surprise and shock its audience. In fact, the very core of the Sport is designed to fool, or 'work' viewers into believing what they are watching is genuine combat. Despite this fact, further attempts to try and pull the wool over the fans eyes have often seemed to have fallen flat. This is not necessarily true in regards to the illusion itself, but perhaps more so with the reveal. The subject being pertained to in this article is the place of mystery storylines surrounding the squared circle. With TNA Wrestling's Aces & Eights storyline apparently beginning to lose traction with fans, perhaps there is a question to be asked of mystery angles within Professional Wrestling. Every major Wrestling Organisation has had it's fair share of attempts at trying to create suspense and heightened excitement through a storyline that surround the 'Who Did It?' Or 'Who Will It Be?' angles played out on Wrestling programming throughout history. However, a lot of the time these reveals seem to be very poorly received, or interest is lost before the revealing moment arrives. Hollywood Thrillers and TV Crime Dramas are based around the very foundation that viewers are invested and intrigued by the investigation and the revelation, but why can't Pro Wrestling seem to tap into this facet of its viewers minds? This article will look at the reception to different mystery angles throughout the years, look to determine if there really is a place for them in Pro Wrestling storylines, and whether or not there is a given formula to getting them right.