WWE: Elimination Chamber 2013 Reaction - The Rock And CM Punk Lack Chemistry Again

By Matt Aspin /

So this was WWE's final PPV before the build to Wrestlemania begins for real was it? I wonder how many people were put off parting with their hard earned Dollars and Pounds after another lacklustre offering from the première wrestling company in the world? The show opened with Team Rhode's Scholars against Brodus "I should have had a King Kong Bundy gimmick" Clay and Tensai. As ridiculous as it is to see Clay and the former Prince Albert dancing in the ring they were actually pretty good as a big man team. We're not sure why WWE decided to split up Rhode's Scholars only to reunite them a week or so later because they've no singles programmes for either man heading into 'Mania. Surely leave it until after Wrestlemania 29 to give Damien Sandow his big singles push. The only saving grace for Rhode's Scholars was that this was the WWE PPV Pre-show on YouTube so it doesn't really count. Alberto Del Rio Vs Big Show have had quite a few stipulation matches over the last month so opting for a regular contest in the feuds blow off match seemed like an odd choice. I've been pretty vocal about how much I hate seeing these two men fight one another but this wasn't actually all that bad. Show hit some great power moves especially a MASSIVE Spear/Gore and a scary looking Vader Bomb, which admittedly missed by miles. Del Rio has received criticism after he supposedly botched an Enziguiri but I must have fallen asleep when that happened. Having Big Show tap out at the end made Del Rio look great but leaves Big Show looking weak headed into 'Mania, presuming he has a match? The Miz and Antonio Cesaro graduated to the main PPV this month but there match was nothing special. Miz is absolutely garbage in his current role so it was great to see him get a kicking before he accidentally nailed Cesaro in the balls and lost by DQ. It looks like this feud will continue to Wrestlemania. Yawn. The Elimination Chamber match was about as good as you'd expect it to be but was probably given too early a spot on the PPV if you ask me. However given the somewhat surprising ending - although I called it from the start - it probably shouldn't shock too many folk that it wasn't the main event below Punk and Rock. Having Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho as the first two men in the match was a great idea and a sure fire way to get the crowd invested with great wrestling action. Saving the first elimination for the near 17th minute was a smart choice and having Mark Henry eliminate both Bryan and Kane in quick succession was a wise move. Surprisingly Henry went next to go but for once Randy Orton actually looked like he wanted to be there and the manner in which he lost coupled with the post elimination beat down of everyone left in the match was enough to keep The World's Strongest man looking strong. Having Jack Swagger win the match was a great choice given his gimmick and he should be the kind of opponent that helps Del Rio get support from any crowd that may still not buy him as 'The Good Guy'. The cheap way in which Swagger won however doesn't make him look like anything more than a cheap shot artist so he'll need a big time victory or two over the next few weeks to be taken seriously. Someone somewhere on the Internet said there was no way WWE would have John Cena lose one PPV before his 'redemption' at Wrestlemania. Well that person was wrong. Very wrong. The Shield not only won but they pretty much won cleanly and for once it was Roman Reigns who looked like a star. So far WWE has done everything right with The Shield. The guy who's come out looking worst has to be Ryback who was on the losing end for a fifth straight PPV. He really is the anti-Goldberg. Maybe there's a Heel turn on the way? For no apparent reason here's a Dolph Ziggler Kofi Kingston match. Yay. AJ looked as sexy as ever though. How come Tamina Snuka is dressed like Beth Phoenix? Is it because she's the only talented Diva left on the main roster? CM Punk and The Rock have had 2 of the most disappointing matches of all time I think. The match at the Rumble was what the Internet Wrestling Community would call a Clusterf*** and this rematch wasn't much better. It's amazing to me how good Punk is when he's The Man but as soon as Rock's on the scene and he perhaps doesn't have as much sway as he had three months ago how things come crashing down around him. Whether Rock/Punk have no chemistry is anybody's guess but at the moment that's all I can attribute their poor matches to. Unsurprisingly The Rock won following a ref bump or two and will face Cena at 'Mania. What remains to be seen however is where CM Punk will fit into the equation. Either WWE brings back Undertaker tonight on RAW to start the ball rolling on their feud or there's a huge mess to clean up over the next few weeks regarding the WWE title and CM Punk. Did you catch the PPV? Were you happy with what you saw? Let us know your thoughts and PPV rating below.