WWE Employees Feeling "Survivor's Guilt" Over Recent Releases?

There's also news on exactly which company divisions were hit hardest...

By Jamie Kennedy /


Sources inside WWE are saying some employees feel "survivor's guilt" over the recent company cuts, PWInsider reports.


Staff and wrestlers alike are still reeling from the mass exodus mid-week, and one employee told the site that it felt like "40%" of the workforce has gone. The "survivor's guilt" comes from those still scratching their heads over friends and colleagues who lost their jobs so suddenly without much warning.

Worse, WWE staff who remain have more work than ever before to handle; the company has less staff to get things done day-to-day, and it's reportedly causing some serious stress.


There's also news from PWInsider's sources on exactly which WWE divisions were hit hardest by the staff cuts.

The live event division was smashed, largely because WWE aren't touring right now, and the digital wing was hit hard too. Ongoing global health worries have everyone agitated - this certainly couldn't have helped.


It's been a rough few days for WWE employees. Not only did they sit and watch as loads of friends, peers and fellow workers lost their jobs, but the legendary Howard Finkel also passed away aged 69.