WWE Hell In A Cell 2017: 18 Best Internet Reactions To Kevin Owens' Win

The power of friendship.

By Jack Pooley /


This year's Hell in a Cell is one of the most frustrating WWE PPVs in recent memory, a quintessential mixed bag which left fans perplexed at the massive gulf in quality between many of the matches.


As terrific as the opener and closer were, and fans certainly weren't quiet about singing the praises of those matches, the problematic middle portion of the show generally received a ton of flak online, and rightly so.

The WWE Universe certainly knows how to voice their displeasure with a terrible booking call or disappointing match: with memes, GIFs and hilariously quotable witticisms, of course.


Even in its worst, most facepalm-worthy moments, at least you've got the collective exasperation of millions of other fans to help you make it through.

Complaining about it online is certainly preferable to just quitting the product, because for all the #CancelWWENetwork hashtags after every PPV, everyone knows they'll be tuning in for Smackdown.


But at least Hell in the Cell's bonkers finale got people talking in a positive way, and genuinely excited to check out Tuesday's show, no matter how mad that WWE Title match made them...