WWE Hell In A Cell: 5 Likely Outcomes For CM Punk vs Ryback

By Matt Aspin /

WWE has found itself in quite the predicament since turning the Ryback experiment up several notches over the last few weeks. Now that the former Skip Sheffield is in the main event against WWE Champion CM Punk at Hell In A Cell with an undefeated streak in full flow, one has to wonder how Vince McMahon's pet project will remain undefeated, without jeopardising the inevitable CM Punk match with The Rock at Royal Rumble. Well, those WWE Creative nerds need worry no more as we've devised a list of the 5 best possible scenarios we'll likely see when HIAC rolls onto our screens next weekend.

5. Ryback Wins WWE Title

Ryback winning the WWE Championship is perhaps the least likely scenario however it's the scenario that just won't go away. Could it happen? Would WWE really change their long term plan so late just because their biggest cash cow isn't ready to compete? Let's face it stranger things have happened! If Ryback really is the next Bill Goldberg then a shock victory would play right into the legend. Exactly where this would leave Punk/Rock and just how long the belt would stay on Ryback remains to be seen.