WWE Legend Says Cody Rhodes Eventually Needs "An Edge"

This Hall Of Famer believes WWE top boy Cody Rhodes will need to evolve.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Eric Bischoff thinks "smart" Cody Rhodes is doing a fantastic top as WWE's top babyface, but the Hall Of Famer also believes the champ will "need an edge" eventually if he's going to survive in his current position.


Bisch told fans tuning into his 'Wise Choices' show that the character people see on WWE TV isn't too far removed from the real human being Cody is behind the scenes. He's a top pro who carries himself very well, and that's something Eric and others have always admired about Rhodes.


However, Bischoff does foresee some issues popping up if Cody fails to adapt and doesn't make some "subtle shifts" away from his "pure as the driven snow" persona.

In fairness, Rhodes has shown some of the fire Eric is talking about in the past against workers like Brock Lesnar, The Rock and Roman Reigns. He might need some more of that good stuff to maintain his status as WWE's main man though.


Bischoff has a point, but knows Cody is surrounded by clever folks who have his best intentions at heart. Triple H and WWE want him to succeed, after all.