WWE Legend Says Logan Paul "Looked Small" Wrestling Roman Reigns

A WWE Hall Of Famer knows he'll "get browbeaten" for saying this about Logan Paul.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Kevin Nash thinks Logan Paul "was noticeably smaller" than Roman Reigns at WWE's recent Crown Jewel pay-per-view in Saudi Arabia.


The WWE Hall Of Famer told listeners on his 'Kliq This' podcast that he'll surely catch hell from wrestling fans for saying such a thing in 2022, but he doesn't care. 'Big Sexy' said he's only giving his opinion and immediate observations from watching the main event.

Nash was slightly surprised when Paul and Reigns went face-to-face in-ring right at the start of the match. Naturally, some fans are already asking why Kev has such a problem with the thought of LP being slightly less-muscular than Roman.


In fairness, Nash didn't actually say he had a problem with it. He was only sharing his thoughts from the headliner - there was no malice behind his words, or at least didn't seem to be. Of course, Kevin has previous for once calling several of WCW's workhorses "vanilla midgets" in the past.

All of Kev's best matches came against workers "noticeably smaller" than him though; bouts vs. Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Rey Mysterio etc were classics.
