WWE Men's Royal Rumble 2022: How Every Elimination Happened

AJ Styles actually had more eliminations than Brock Lesnar in WWE's Royal Rumble.

By Jamie Kennedy /

The 35th WWE Royal Rumble is in the history books.


Fans are split about whether or not Brock Lesnar needed to win the match. WWE could've got to Brock vs. Roman Reigns at WrestleMania without it, but they probably wanted to eliminate storyline excuses for the Universal Champion before then. Lesnar's win does exactly that.

Despite dominating the latter portion, Brock didn't eliminate the most wrestlers on Saturday night. No, that accolade would go to #1 entrant AJ Styles - the veteran tossed out exactly six wrestlers during his 29-minute performance. Granted, Lesnar managed five in 2:32. Big Brock doesn't work by the hour.

AJ's 29 minutes ended up being the longest in this year's male Rumble too. Like in the women's match, an awful lot of workers had short stays in the bout. Of the 30, 12 went less than five full minutes before exiting the ring. This is a comprehensive rundown of how each elimination happened.

WWE booked a ton of samey spots. Maybe they've got no choice there, because everyone must go over those ropes to the floor. Still, it'd be nice for them try to mixing things up.

30. Robert Roode

Mickie James repped TNA (well, Impact) in the women's Rumble, but she wasn't the only one giving some Total Nonstop love on Saturday night. Robert Roode had a stand off with AJ Styles, and the crowd chanted for their old promotion.


Although Roode said he'd been "waiting a long time for this", he lasted just 54 seconds before taking a forearm shot that sent him falling from the ring apron.
