WWE Money In The Bank: Kane Added To WWE Title Match - Contract Ladder Match Participants

Sheamus, Roman Reigns, John Cena, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro and Alberto Del Rio fill the MITB Title match.

By John Canton /

This Sunday is WWE's Money in the Bank pay-per-view, so they used this week's Raw to announce more matches for Raw. We only knew two of them officially going into the show. The main event is the Ladder Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is set with what we thought was seven men vying for the vacated title except there is one more. The men in that match are Sheamus, Roman Reigns, John Cena, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro and Alberto Del Rio. Kane destroyed a bunch of the guy at the end of Raw, so he's the 8th man in the match as named by Triple H. Cena's considered the favorite, but when isn't Cena the favorite? He usually is. Reigns stood tall at the end of Raw after a Spear on Kane, so they are seriously hinting that it might be him. It was also announced that on the Money in the Bank kickoff show features Daniel Bryan in his first interview since being stripped of the WWE Title. It will be good to see him again. Another title that will be on the line are the Tag Team Titles as The Usos defend against the team of Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. It's a hot feud that should be a solid match because they've been interacting with each other for about two months. We also learned about the Money in the Bank Contract Ladder Match that will be decided when one man climbs a ladder to grab the briefcase that has a contract in it. That contract gets that man a shot at the WWE Title at any point in the next year. The seven men in the contract ladder match are Seth Rollins, Bad News Barrett, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam and Dean Ambrose. Ambrose wasn't originally announced for it, but Rollins asked Triple H to do it so he can keep an eye on him. The Divas Title will also be on the line as Paige defends her championship against Naomi. They're doing a storyline where it seems like Cameron might be going heel while Naomi stays face, so look for that angle to continue on Sunday. It would be a surprise if Paige lost. Based on a promo and angle from Raw, it appears as though Big E will take on Rusev. They've done the match before with Rusev emerging as the victor, but it looks like they're going back to it. That's only four matches officially announced for the show with Rusev vs. Big E as the fifth one if it gets added. They could put Bo Dallas in a match in order to fill time. We will update on if there are any other matches added to Money in the Bank in addition to the ones already announced.