WWE Money In The Bank 2016: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

WWE just shocked the world.

By Jack Pooley /

Though WWE relentlessly touted this year's Money in the Bank PPV as the greatest one ever, it unsurprisingly fell pretty damn short of that claim on the whole.

As most expected, the undercard was peppered with staggeringly mediocre, TV-quality matches with a few genuine stinkers scattered throughout.

Only a few matches on the whole show elevated things to truly memorable, while the remainder basically settled for middling-to-entertaining at best.

The show will nevertheless be remembered largely for its terrific titular match and its wacky finish, which will be a considerable relief to many fans, and certainly paints a compelling title picture moving forward. Whether the WWE will manage to capitalise on this potential greatness, though, is anyone's guess. With their next PPV being the filler show Battleground, don't expect much of interest until SummerSlam.

Here is every Money in the Bank 2016 match ranked from worst to best...


11. Golden Truth Vs. Breezango

Result: Goldust pins Fandango after nailing the Final Cut (5:06).

Rating: Well, it sure wasn't a technical masterpiece, but the whole sunburn angle made this one perversely entertaining to watch to a point, even if it probably dragged on too long and was otherwise totally forgettable.

Breezango's selling of the sunburns was the real highlight here (as well as some hilarious zingers on commentary), as not much else touched the sides. Amusing, but in terms of actual wrestling, a total bust, if pretty much exactly what you should expect from a pre-show bout featuring these guys.


Add or subtract a point depending on how much peeling skin you like to see during a wrestling match. 3/10.
