WWE Nearly Put Neville Under A Mask

Creative almost made the 'King Of The Cruiserweights' look like a mighty moron...

By Jamie Kennedy /


Ex-WWE employee James McKenna shared concept art on his Twitter page this week showing what Neville's old babyface ring attire was supposed to look like.


Neville must have breathed a sigh of relief when WWE decided to turn him heel and make him 'King' of the Cruiserweight division towards the end of last year rather than wear this dodgy mask and mesh-style purple outfit.

Whatever goodwill was there between wrestler and promotion didn't last though, because Neville reportedly walked out on Raw in October. He'd have walked a lot sooner had he been forced to dress like a phoney superhero.


According to McKenna, it's a good thing WWE eventually abandoned the outfit and moved in a different direction. Looking at that crappy mask (in particular), it's hard to disagree.

Neville would have been a laughing stock looking like a purple version of the Green Lantern, and it's difficult to see that kind of character getting over big style nowadays. Maybe the kids would have lapped it up, but there's an air of Battlekat about the garb too.


That's another unfavourable comparison for those who remember Brady Boone's awful 1990 gimmick.