WWE Network To SHUT DOWN Next Year Following Netflix Announcement

The classic WWE Network is still available internationally, but only until the end of 2024.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Dave Meltzer has reported via Wrestling Observer Radio that the WWE Network will be shut down come the end of 2024. A whole bunch of archived content will be shifted over onto Netflix, but the current Peacock model in the US will continue to run as normal until that deal expires in 2026.


This means the international Network, which has been running since 2014, will cease to exist.


Meltzer's sources tell him "Netflix will pick up the content". The Observer chief isn't exactly sure just how much Netflix will want though - it's possible they won't transfer over absolutely everything from the Network servers, but most of the "archival content" is expected to be there.

Fingers crossed this means every PLE, WCW programming, ECW shows and more. WWE Network has been a wonderful research tool for fans and industry insiders alike, so it'd be a shame if Netflix only concentrated on the current-day product and ignored WWE's rich history.


WWE introduced a new layout for the Network last summer, but it was met with derision from many users. Soon, those same folks will be scouring Netflix instead. 2024 will be the Network's final year.