WWE Tough Enough has aired for three weeks with three hopefuls already voted off the show, yet they are bringing back a contestant who didn't make the final cut to compete. Chelsea Green has been added to the cast after Dianna Dahlgren quit the show to look after a friend of hers who got paralyzed during a fight in a bar that she owns. Green will be a familiar face to WWE fans. She already appeared on the August 11, 2014 episode of Raw where Stephanie McMahon revealed to Brie Bella that her husband Daniel Bryan was having an affair with Green's character "Megan Miller", who they said was his physical therapist. Brie ended up knocking her out of the ring and then the story was never mentioned again because most fans realized it was just a case of heels lying as a way to get heat. It's a strange situation as Bryan is a judge on Tough Enough and he kind of has to make reference to her appearance on WWE TV already, but no matter how they play it out it won't make sense. Perhaps WWE will hope everyone has forgotten the angle. Interestingly, Green posted a picture of herself with blonde hair, so perhaps WWE encouraged her to change her look for the show. https://twitter.com/ToughChelseaG/status/618635169772081153 Green was actually trained by Lance Storm and has wrestled for a few years. All of the other women currently on Tough Enough have no wrestling experience, so bringing in somebody that knows what she is doing is a smart move... though the stigma of already appearing on TV in a weird-assed segment will hang over her. The first three people voted off Tough Enough were Hank Avery Jr., Alexander Frekey and Daria Berenato.