WWE On Fox Shut Down Brad Shepard On Facebook Over Coronavirus Claim

Shepard isn't a trusted 'news source' about anything apparently.

By Gareth Morgan /


WWE on Fox took to Facebook to lambast Brad Shepard for apparent false claims regarding a backstage WWE employee coming into contact with the Coronavirus.


Shepard mentioned in a tweet - which was reported by Ringsidenews - that "According to a source, a #WWE employee - who doesn’t work at the main office - came in contact with a coronavirus carrier."

He went on:


"I’m told a mass email warning was sent out, and the employee is under self-quarantine. They aren’t showing symptoms yet but it’s shaken everyone up."

WWE on Fox's comment - which was left on the article on Facebook - read as follows:

'Guys, we usually don't interject, but when it comes to serious stuff we will. Ringsidenews, especially Brad Shepard, isn't a trusted 'news source' about anything. Please do not listen to them. Do as you will with other journalists, we won't promote anyone here, but avoid Ringsidenews - especially when it comes to something as serious as this.'

Over the last week, new reports regarding WWE's approach to the recent spread of the virus in the U.S. have been dropping daily. With some even suggesting that WrestleMania 36 could be in jeopardy as cases of the virus have recently been flagged up in Tampa, Florida.

WWE have claimed that the health of their employees and fans comes first above all else, but it seems as though the show is scheduled to go on regardless.


However, Shepard's claims of a WWE employee coming into contact with the virus in a Ringsidenews post has provoked WWE on Fox into shutting down the site as one that isn't a 'trusted "news source"'.

Clearly WWE (and Fox in particular) aren't in the mood to entertain rumours which could cause unrest and panic backstage or for the fans watching their events around the world.
