Tonight, WWE will air the landmark 1000th episode of Monday Night Raw and in order to celebrate, Vince is pulling out all the stops and bringing back a slew of Legends and Hall of Famers. Personally, I think it'll be a terrific show, but I'm not too sure on what I think of all the Legend returns. Don't get me wrong, I was and always will be a huge fan of the Attitude Era so from a nostalgic point of view it's great... Ish. It seems like for almost a year, the very same Legends we'll see tonight have been making their 'unprecedented' returns to Monday Nights so what makes this night any different? Alright, we're getting a DX reunion, but HBK and HHH were in the same ring for several weeks building up to 'Mania this year - granted, they were telling less people to suck things, but they were still the same guys. Personally, I'd love to see the whole DX Army back together, mainly because I want to hear Road Dogg telling my ass to call somebody. I'm excited to see The Rock again, preferably in some capacity in the main event between Cena & Punk. Although I'd happily settle for a 15 minute promo about lady parts and Fruity Pebbles. Then there's Stone Cold Steve Austin who hasn't been advertised for the show at all, which probably means the glass will shatter and he'll drop a Stunner on Heath Slater and end the night in a Steveweiser-soaked ring, looking as cool as he always did. He's also the only one we haven't seen recently, which makes it that bit more special. These returns would've had a much bigger impact if we hadn't seen Rocky since 'Mania and Lesnar since Extreme Rules (where he should've won). I must be sounding really cynical right about now, but don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see the mini Attitude Era reunion, and the abundance of catchphrases and finishers. But part of me thinks it's not that fair to the current WWE roster than they're being overshadowed by stars of the past who work much less and probably earn much more than the current superstars do. People like Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes deserve to have a bigger showing on such a landmark show, and Daniel Bryan deserves much more than a wedding that'll probably get interrupted by Kane. I will, or course, be watching live tonight along with the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home as well as the millions... And millions of The Rock's fans.