WWE Raw: Looking At The "Rocking the Vote of Confidence Edition"

By Paul Jordan /

WWE definitely had its campaign hat on as Monday Night Raw came from the Beltway and Washington, DC as the company tried the hard sell on why you should buy Wrestlemania this Sunday on pay-per-view. This episode much like the politicians that reside there was all talk and no action. But was it good old-fashioned rhetoric or just a filibuster? I've already cast my vote€ Let's see what you think. The show opened up with John Cena giving his final speech and into MetLife Stadium and how he will overcome his past failure and take that symbol created by The Rock (his words not mine fans of CM Punk). A lot of this for standard Cena saying the same things we have heard week after week on how he has to beat The Rock to prove to himself that he can do it. That is better than The Rock. However, there was a moment€ A small moment but a moment, nonetheless, in which the fans began chanting boring at John Cena who then stops and stands silently smirking at the audience. It gave me a real heel vibe€ There may be a possibility of a harder edge Cena coming out of Wrestlemania. The action if you can call it that this week began with Sheamus, Randy Orton and the Big Show against the 3MB again. This was really a vehicle for Jerry Lawler, JBL and Michael Cole at the announce table and say some the worst jokes in history. Although, some of those did make me chuckle. The babyfaces get the victory which ultimately brings out The Shield who have one last message for the triumphant trio heading into Wrestlemania. Not a bad promo from the group. They promote their social media, particularly Tout asking fans for their opinions on John Cena versus The Rock at Wrestlemania€ I always wonder how bad are the ones that they don't show because some of those were very goofy and painful to watch€ We hear from Jerry Lawler that Zeb will battle ADR later in the night and then we see a taped promo featuring Jack and Colter in the street standing in front of the Capitol building. They speak of how at times in order to fix something much like Ricardo Rodriguez ankle things need to be broken first. Swagger says that if you're not a fan of that then don't be a part of his America. Really good promo. I would've stopped right here and not had the "match" with Zeb and Alberto I think that was too obvious€and took something away from the whole aura. Next up, Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler had perhaps the strongest match of the night as AJ finally distracts someone skipping around Kane and Dolph gets the win was perhaps the worst roll up ever. Interesting. There was no sign of Kaitlyn this week so I don't know if there's going to be a Divas title match or not. They show off the power of Big E Langston as he reverses the chokeslam and turns it into the Big Ending..I'm not sure who's going to come out on top, but I'm definitely very curious to see what they do with this match. Something that has me worried about this Sunday are the comments of CM Punk saying that he doesn't care whether he wins by DQ or count out considering Undertaker's rage will make him lose control. I will say this. I know there are many feelings on whether the Streak should stay intact or whether it means anything anymore. But for me personally, if they do this I will be very disappointed as I think the mythic run should and with a pinfall or submission. Anything else will be an insult not only to those individuals in the match, but to those who helped build it. We find out that the Miz and Wade Barrett will be on the preshow€ As Zack Ryder goes back into obscurity€ Mr. Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels stops by Raw for his annual appearance in which he attempts to motivate his best friend Hunter and his efforts against Brock Lesnar. I thought this was one of the stronger segments on the show and without a doubt I think it was due to the Heartbreak Kid (who will be in the corner of Triple H this Sunday) and his delivery along with Heyman that made the segment pop. Other strange phenomenon from Raw was the further degradation of the US champion as Antonio Césaro once again quickly taps to what the Wall of Jericho as Fandango and Chris Jericho settled the score literally as they continue their dance into Wrestlemania. Not to mention, how off putting it is see Mark Henry smiling as the curator of the Hall of Pain enjoys his no contact clause with Ryback before Wrestlemania. However, Santino may not feel the same way as Ryback proves to be a true friend saving and then sacrificing the master of the power walk in his return to WWE television. As I mentioned before, the Zeb-Del Rio "match" was just a backdrop for Del Rio to be put in more peril but in more ways than one felt like crutch booking as did most of the show really. Although I have to admit, they got some good shots on Alberto's back. The Rock gave a very charismatic speech saying how he will continue on as the WWE champion following mania and how he may trade in Know Your Role Boulevard for Pennsylvania Avenue€ It was a little strange to say the least€ As he was more concerned about popping the crowd and running for President then focused on his upcoming defense maybe that will play into the storyline. (Man, that new Rock mobile game really looks like WCW Backstage Assault 2.0) Not sure why they had the Bellas versus Naomi and Cameron which was around 10:47 PM. It didn't feel necessary they just didn't have enough segments booked. And not to mention the match wasn't the greatest. And this brings us to the final segment of the night which saw the Undertaker "eviscerating" CM Punk (I'm pretty sure they don't know what that word means) in a pretty screwy segment as in which Paul Heyman dressed as the late Paul Bearer comes out with the urn after a super long segment in which the Druids chant to the befuddlement of the dead man. Seeing this, the Undertaker incensed goes after the Druids leading one to be revealed as CM Punk, who nails the Deadman with the urn and then ultimately dumping out the ashes inside, which realistically look like sawdust and pouring them on the Phenom and rubbing some on himself as Raw goes off the air. I'm torn about how I feel this segment€ On one hand, you want to leave people with the strong visual they will remember going into the pay-per-view and it definitely get a reaction once the ashes were poured out of the urn. But I don't know if that was reaction in favor or against the whole angle in general. In my opinion, they really pushed the boundaries of good taste to its limits. Overall, was this a good go home episode leading into Wrestlemania? It wasn't as terrible was years past. However, if you're expecting this to change your mind about buying the show then you may not want to watch.