WWE Raw: Odd Night In South Carolina

By Peter Duffy /

Monday night's episode of Raw wasn't all that bad. Some good things did happen. I'm pleased with WWE for working to set up next month's Extreme Rules PPV event already instead of waiting until the last minute as they've been known to do in the past. I seem to be in the minority of those who are happy that we'll get to see another match between Brock Lesnar and Triple H after their great match at WrestleMania. And I happen to love cage matches. Though despite some of the positives, there were a couple of matches that puzzled me. Let's take a look at some talking points from Monday Night Raw.

Heyman Issues Challenge

As 3MB foolishly called out the Shield, Brock Lesnar made his way to the ring and completely decimated the 3 Man Band. Lesnar showed off his quickness and brute strength in this segment. The interesting part came when Paul Heyman got on the mic. He did a great job (when doesn't he?) of making Triple H out to be an equal to Lesnar. Which will only make Lesnar look better when he beats Triple H at Extreme Rules. Heyman challenged Triple H to take on Brock in an old fashioned cage match at the next PPV. Maybe it's just my love of cage matches or the fact that these two guys put on a great match at WrestleMania, but I'm looking forward to this match a lot. This was a good segment and definitely set up something to look forward to.