WWE RAW Review: A Great Show Overshadowed By A New Belt

By Gavin Eddings /

The post-Elimination Chamber RAW was actually really good. It had its problems, but overall, not a bad episode. There were some glaring flaws, though, and of course the ending surprise has caused a dispute among wrestling fans. I will give this RAW credit as for the first time in weeks, I eased off the fast-forward button and actually looked forward to seeing what would unfold. Maybe the Road to Wrestlemania is finally taking shape and we are along for the ride. OPENING SEGMENT John Cena comes to the ring and talks about the stars aligning and he€™s going to Wrestlemania to take on the Rock, yadda, yadda, Twice in a Lifetime, blah. Luckily, CM Punk comes out fairly quickly to interrupt the celebration. I enjoyed the way that CM Punk gave props to The Rock for beating him, although he did it in a Punkish way. He brought up some good points about The Rock/Cena being a re-run, John Cena not really earning his spot, etc. That is the CM Punk that works so well. He can make great points without having to pander to the crowd. That is what makes such a good heel and such a good jerk in real life. If CM Punk came out and insulted Cena without ever having beaten him, it wouldn€™t make any sense. Luckily, CM Punk has several wins over Cena so he can taunt him all he wants. That€™s the jerk in real life that we all hate: the guy who is right. Granted, this kind of scares me. Whenever the WWE brings up a story of €œYOU€™VE NEVER BEATEN ME€ that usually means said party is going to get beat. I fully expect John Cena to beat Punk next week (since that is when they made the match for) and go on to face the Rock. A best case scenario would be a Triple Threat at Wrestlemania between Cena, Rock and Punk, but I don€™t see that being very likely given the payday the WWE is about to get doing Rock/Cena 2.