WWE Raw Review: Looking At "Best in the Wolverine Edition"

By Paul Jordan /

Last night's Raw had quite the task to live up to after the excellent Payback pay-per-view in Chicago. With great matches and subtle storyline moments would the WWE deliver a good episode of Raw in Grand Rapids, Michigan? I believe for the most part that happened except for a few minor annoyances in my opinion. The show began with the very over the top Alberto del Rio mugging to the fans with a chorus of boos echoing the arena much like the night before. Del Rio gets more and more agitated. Alberto justifies his reasoning for attacking Dolph's head during the match needs back to when Ziggler won the title. ADR feels completely justified the fact that Dolph caught him when he was injured. I like this because it makes sense. Alberto continues to say that the fans turned their backs on him when he's done everything for them the last five months. And while, the turn was rather abrupt a heel is best when he feels justified in his cause. Great stuff here. I think this puts Alberto in a great spot going forward. But were not done yet, as the turns keep on coming with CM Punk alongside Paul Heyman makes their way to the ring. The Wolverine inspired (nice sideburns) straight edge superstar lays in to the Mexican aristocrat. Interesting to see, a double turn happening right before our eyes as the Chicago native put over that Dolph deserves his rematch and had animosity with his friend Paul Heyman. Heyman was great here as usual setting up for something later in the night when Vickie Guerrero comes out and makes the match. This is the first time of many that we see the managing supervisor during the episode as she plays the pawn in the McMahons power game the whole night. I understand why they did it. They wanted to get across the the passive aggressive nature of Vince McMahon, Stephanie and Hunter. (I still don't understand where this is going though) . The only thing I don't get is why Stephanie, who was playing the peacemaker between the COO and the chairman last few weeks is being manipulative of Vickie. I guess father and daughter are turning heel. We get the first match of the night as it was scheduled to be the Intercontinental title rematch between Wade Barrett and Curtis Axel. However, Vickie has the surprise for everyone and has the returning Christian battling the Bullhammer. Like I said on Twitter, they literally the kill switch on Wade Barrett having Christian basically squashed. I don't expect Barrett is going to get his rematch anytime soon. They show a Wyatt family promo again. I really want them to show up to show up soon. They will definitely change the landscape of the WWE. And this week the app promotion with a little less intrusive than it has been weeks past. They actually used it to further a storyline as the Viper calls Daniel the weak link. There's a plus right there. The fans to vote on the stipulation between Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan for later in the night. No disqualification, two out of three falls and a falls count anywhere match. Actually choices this time. For some reason, we come back and find that Team Rhodes Scholars battling Sheamus in a handicap match. Now, while I'm happy that Sandow and Rhodes got a measure success. It didn't really feel like it didn't do much for them. As the Great White hits the Brogue Kick on Cody get some of his heat back. So what sense does that make? Like I said before, Vickie plays the pawn in the chess game over the night. The first of these segments involved Triple H running down her management style with things like Christian return, handling The Shield and 3MB. (Way to put the talent over, Hunter.) Backstage, Punk tells Heyman he is not his client, he is a friend and that doesn't need him like Brock Lesnar and Curtis Axel.. Heyman wishes him good luck before the main event, though it seems more like warning like Brutus warning Caesar about the threat of buying cutlery. After some interaction with Kane backstage calling Daniel Bryan a DB for wanting the WWE title situation ( I guess you cannot say douche bag on WWE TV), we head on into a very hard-hitting no disqualification match with Randy Orton. This contest was as good as to be expected. Although, there were some things that didn't work in this match. One, the stickhandling of Randy Orton, which was terrible considering how many matches he has used a weapon like that. And secondly, the fact that the match ended in a no contest after referee stoppage following a belly to back suplex to the retaining wall. Now, at first I didn't know if this was part of an angle. However, given the way Randy Orton acted after the fact. I don't believe that was the case showing real concern for Daniel Bryan. It would later be determined that Daniel Bryan a little bit of nerve damage and he is scheduled to compete this Friday against Dean Ambrose. So we will see later in the week if that will happen. Next up, we get a really weird segment involving the Divas as the new champion AJ who issues an open challenge. It's answered by none other than Stephanie McMahon who comes out to chastise AJ and her behavior. This just came off out of place in a lot of ways. Firstly, Stephanie did much worse things as a character then AJ ever has done. (Lest we forget the fake pregnancy, the drugging of their mother and countless others). Add to the fact, the other divas come out including Kaitlyn and Stephanie chastises them for interrupting her. Real heel move. This leads to Kaitlyn attacking AJ until Big E steps in separating the two. Where is this going? How does this help anyone? And was Stephanie even necessary? We get a short match between Kane and Ambrose before Roman Reigns interferes and The Shield hits the triple powerbomb on The Big Red Machine. Backstage, we see a very emotional Mark Henry saying things to talent in the back and waiting for his public announcement later on in the night. Per Triple H's request to handle the hounds of injustice, Vickie is backstage chastising the Shield getting ready to fire Ambrose for their attack on Kane when the chairman steps in allowing the Shield to leave. Vince says he never liked Kane anyway, and gives Vickie a compliment on her management style. Okay. We see another Bray Wyatt promo€ Next up, we see Zeb Colter who explains the relationship of his new charge and Antonio Cesaro in his America (because Jack Swagger may be going to jail soon thanks to his DUI arrest). We have the opportunity for a dream match as Antonio battles William Regal. However, Michael Cole will not stop calling Zeb Colter a hypocrite for associating with Cesaro to let anybody enjoy anything. In the end, Regal loses to the Neutralizer and Antonio covers him in the "Don't Tread on Me" flag. It will be interesting to see where this goes. Without a doubt, the Mark Henry John Cena segment is my favorite one of the night just for the setup alone. John Cena comes out and says he's overcome all the obstacles and the thanks the fans for their continued support. As John is getting ready to leave Mark Henry comes out with his wrestling boots and in a suit to make his big announcement. Henry tells Cena to stay as the World Strongest Man announces his retirement from the active roster. Cena comes in and hands him the WWE title. A very emotional, Henry goes on about's his accomplishments and how he never captured the title. He gives the title back to Cena and proceeds to talk about his family and people he loves and respects face as he says goodbye to the fans. Cena comes back in raising the hand of Henry title in hand. The two hug leading to a World Strongest Slam. Henry then says he hasn't done yet and looking down at the title saying that will be his soon. Great segment. This angle suckered everyone. This is the kind of stuff they you don't see in wrestling anymore because of the Internet. But it was actually really effective. Later on, Mark Henry backstage made a formal challenge to John Cena. So I'm guessing that's going to happen at Money In the Bank. We see some strange parody commercial for Sheamus for a 1-800-Fella€ Not sure why€ Cute€ Heath Slater loses to Chris Jericho as the rest of the 3MB gets their code broken in the "Creative Has Nothing for You" invitational this week. Also, seemingly entered in that little soirée is the new Intercontinental champion Curtis Axel who battles and defeats Sin Cara for I think the third time on television with the Miz on commentary. Yes, we know Curtis beat Sin Cara cleanly ( who can't at this point€ Oh yeah Wade Barrett) but can he defeat anyone else? if he is really "Better than perfect" show us would you? In the main event of the show, CM Punk defeated Alberto del Rio via count out after a really aggressive contest from both men but ADR thinks discretion is the better part of valor as Dolph attacks from behind. Then Brock Lesnar's music hits and the "Beast Incarnate" makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone. But instead of talking he gives CM Punk the F5 to end the show. Great cliffhanger. This looks to be were heading for Summerslam in Los Angeles. And I'm okay with that.It will be interesting to see Heyman's allegiances lie in this whole thing. Because now he's between two friends. Overall, I thought the show had more of the attitude era kind of feel. Not from the fact of the McMahons, or over-the-top storylines but the fact that almost every segment had a moment that you remember. That's what made the show so different than weeks past. It was not just the John Cena show or this CM Punk show it felt like there were more vibrant characters on the show. I will be interesting to see if they can keep this up next week.