WWE Reveals INSANE Backstory For NXT Mystery Woman Storyline

Aligned with Xia Li and Boa, Tian Sha comes to WWE NXT without a soul...

By Andy H Murray /


Raw isn't the only WWE brand infected by the supernatural anymore, as NXT revealed the wacky backstory for its new Tian Sha character during last night's show.


Tian Sha is being introduced as part of the ongoing storyline with Boa and Xia Li. A video outlining the character's history shed light on Sha's roots as part of an old Chinese dynasty, with Tian sacrificing her soul to restore honour to a disgraced kingdom, having been taught strength by a dragon. Sha's lessons helped her overcome her despotic brother, who had been corrupted, but she became the thing she hated upon ascending to ruler, controlling her new kingdom with fear.

Tian Sha is apparently thousands of years old. Presented as a fearsome presence, she inspires a terrified sense of loyalty in Li and Boa, who were with her last night. This was the trio's only contribution on the show.


The person behind the Tian Sha gimmick is yet to be revealed, though the rumour mill has previously pointed towards Performance Center wrestler Karen Q, who hasn't wrestled since suffering a serious injury in July 2019.

The full vignette can be viewed below:-
