WWE Royal Rumble 1999: Where Are They Now?

In the Hall of Fame, in new careers, and in political office, somehow.

By Adam Clery /


The Attitude Era was good. No, honestly, I don't mind sticking my neck out here, it was genuinely quite enjoyable for large parts.


You had larger than life characters and an audience who loved them, you had extreme matches that push the boundaries of your comprehension, and you had an everyman hero battling corporate greed and getting to regularly kick his boss's teeth down his throat. Delicious.

It was on the premise of that last point that the Royal Rumble match (objectively the best thing in wrestling, no @s please) of 1999 was marketed. Vine had stacked the deck against Stone Cold Steve Austin, placed an eye-watering reward for who-so-ever could eliminate him and, thus, had 29 other superstars gunning for his blood. Vince, bizarrely, being one of them.


But 1999 was, as my Tamagotchi would tell me if it was still here, a long-ass time ago. A lot can change in 20 minutes in wrestling, so the amount that can change in 20 years is enough to... to... well, make a massive investigative article about. Join me, I've actually done some research.

Disclaimer: if remembering the deaths of beloved wrestling icons is a bit of a bummer for you, this is a long read.
