WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 Best Choices To Win

Ranking the men who should outlast 29 other competitors and walk away with the gold.

By Brad Hamilton /

The Royal Rumble is just around the corner and speculation on who will walk away the victor is in full swing. The smart money is on Roman Reigns leaving having retained his WWE Title but are there actually better choices to win the annual 30-man battle royal? The Rumble has traditionally been one of WWE's can't-miss events, as one of the most anticipated matches concludes with a clear picture of what our WrestleMania main event is going to look like. But the last two years have been less than stellar, both of them ending in outright audience revolt. Are we in for a third straight year of the fans in attendance loudly voicing their displeasure at the result? In this article I'm going to look at the wrestlers who are the ten best options to win the match and, with the added stipulation of the title being up for grabs this time, walk away as the WWE world champion. There are some bold choices here, but a case can be made for each of these men winning the historic match.
