WWE Signing CM Punk... What Do Top Stars Think?!

WWE stars' reaction to potential CM Punk return revealed.

By Andy H Murray /


Top WWE stars appear to be split on the prospect of CM Punk returning to the promotion.


PWInsider reports via its Elite service that while some within WWE (including major names) are "adamantly against the idea," and don't see it as a realistic possibility, others go the other way. The more positive camp sees a "chance to make big money," with one unnamed top star said to be "all for it."


Ultimately, Punk returning to WWE (or not) wouldn't be the talent's call, though the 44-year-old's status immediately became a topic of discussion within the market-leading promotion following his AEW release last Saturday.

Whether or not Punk is bound to a non-compete clause preventing him from signing or appearing for another wrestling promotion post-AEW is unknown.


AEW announced it had fired Punk with cause last weekend, doing so via press release. Company founder and CEO Tony Khan stated that it was ultimately his call, though he had been unanimously advised by external and internal stakeholders, including legal professionals, that Punk's deal should be terminated. This followed August's All In event, where the Chicagoan fought backstage with Jack Perry.