WWE Star Johnny Gargano Opens Up On Body Dysmorphia

Current WWE Raw man Gargano believes it's time to "normalise this discussion".

By Jamie Kennedy /


Recent WWE returnee Johnny Gargano would like to "normalise discussion" about body dysmorphia in pro wrestling.


The Raw star opened up in a lengthy (and heartfelt) post on his official Instagram page this week. In it, Gargano admitted that he was looking forward to eating whatever the hell he felt like eating during some downtime away from the industry after leaving WWE last year.

Body dysmorphia is something 'Johnny Wrestling' has struggled with since his youth, but he says it's important people don't shy away from sensitive topics and instead "normalise" them. That's why he decided to post "embarrassing" before and after pics of his "dad bod".


The work Gargano put in before returning to screens is clear for everyone to see.

Johnny also said "it was great" when describing a brief period during which he and wife Candice LeRae "tore up Uber Eats". He needed that time off to mentally reset, but also knew he'd have to get back on a strict diet and exercise regime before showing back up on camera.


Gargano launched his WWE comeback on the 22 August edition of Raw.