WWE Star Sheamus On Flight That Makes Emergency Landing

He posted photos of the experience as well!

By John Canton /

WWE superstar Sheamus was on a United Airlines plane flying from Denver to Los Angeles when it diverted and made an emergency landing due to a medical issue. Sheamus posted a picture of himself with an oxygen mask noting that there weren't "many brave lads" when the masks dropped, which would suggest that people were freaking out. Thankfully, they were able to land the plane in Grand Junction, Colorado before Sheamus boarded another plane for Los Angeles. https://twitter.com/WWESheamus/status/623889339022462976 Here's a statement from a United Airlines spokesperson:

"Due to a medical issue onboard, the flight diverted to Grand Junction and landed there safely shortly after takeoff from Denver. Medical personnel met the flight upon arrival, and we€™ll fly our passengers on a new aircraft to Los Angeles. After receiving reports of multiple ill customers, our crew deployed the oxygen masks and elected to divert to Grand Junction. Our maintenance team will inspect the aircraft to determine if there were any technical issues."
Another passenger emailed Mashable to explain that there were at least six different people that were passed out because they were ill on the plane due to the technical issue. Then it was explained that there was an oxygen problem in the cabin. That's when passengers were told to put on their masks as a safety precaution. https://twitter.com/WWESheamus/status/623895173718745089
