WWE Superstar Cesaro Says He's Sick Of Cena Vs Orton

Fans are tired of it and so is WWE's Swiss Superman.

By John Canton /

It's one thing for fans to say that they're tired of watching John Cena wrestle Randy Orton. It's another thing for an active WWE competitor like Cesaro to say the same sort of thing. The politically correct answer is to say that it's going to be a great match that he's excited about, but in a recent interview Cesaro pulled no punches. In an interview with the Liverpool Echo to promote WWE's upcoming European tour in November, the Swiss Superman reacted to the interviewer when he talked about how guys like Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt and Cesaro are all around talents that can do it all. Here's how Cesaro reacted to it. "Exactly. It is a new era of guys, it's a new generation, and it's a lot of fun to watch that because there are fresh match-ups. I mean I'm sick of seeing John Cena against Randy Orton for the 500th time. It's great that we have some new, young guys that can come out and provide absolutely great match-ups and for the fans there are fresh, exciting matches and things to watch." For a WWE employee to come out to say they are sick of seeing WWE's top two guys wrestling is a very bold move. Perhaps Cesaro could defend himself to management by saying he's just a heel that was doing the interview in character, but it sure seemed like those were his true feelings. It also shouldn't be overblown because he's not taking a shot at either man as a performer. He's just sick of that feud. As we've seen on Twitter and other places, Cena has trained with Cesaro before because both guys are huge powerlifters. As far as "young guys" go, Cesaro's 34 years old this year just like Orton is so they actually have that in common. Cesaro also added that his battle royal win at WrestleMania 30 was a career highlight for him: "That was definitely the highlight of my career so far. WrestleMania 30 was arguably the biggest WrestleMania to date, a huge anniversary for WWE and for wrestling in general. It was my first WrestleMania and there is no better way to make a first impression than making a giant first impression." It's a good discussion with one of WWE's most talented performers. What will be interesting is if there's any backlash against him for saying he was sick of Orton vs. Cena. There was a story from about a year ago where Dolph Ziggler, then a heel, complained about Randy Orton getting so many chances and that apparently put Ziggler in the doghouse for a while. Hopefully the same thing doesn't happen to Cesaro. Ironically, the two men will face off for Ziggler's Intercontinental Title this Sunday at Hell in a Cell. On a related note, check out my piece about seven reasons why fans don't care about Cena vs. Orton. Apparently the fans aren't alone. Cesaro is with us too.