WWE Takes Away Cesaro Signs At Night Of Champions

Fans had their Cesaro signs removes just as his match with Sheamus began on Sunday night.

By John Canton /

During Cesaro's match with Sheamus at Night of Champions, there were a group of fans sitting in camera view that were wearing referee shirts. Apparently there was a fan handing out small "King of Wrestling" signs, similar to the "Cesaro Section" signs that we saw in the crowds a few months back. Keep in mind that some of the "Cesaro Section" signs were handed out by WWE to make him look like a bigger star. At the start of the Sheamus/Cesaro match, the fans in the referees shirts were holding the "King of Wrestling" signs. Somebody in WWE must not have liked it because as the match got going, security staff went up to the fans to take the signs away. No reason was given as to why the signs were taken away. Fans in the arena noted that it looked like they asked why the signs were removed, but security wasn't offering up much of an explanation. The "King of Wrestling" nickname is something Cesaro tweets all the time, as it goes back to when he used the Kings of Wrestling name for his tag team with Chris Hero in Ring of Honor. Here's a video of the signs that was posted on Monday. WWE might take the video down because they don't like things like this posted, so if it does get removed you can always go back to watch Cesaro/Sheamus and see the signs at the start of the match. You might want to watch it on mute because it's in slow motion, so the audio is weird.Why did WWE remove the signs? At this point we don't know for sure although the only explanation is that they don't want signs supporting heels. Maybe if it was just one sign in favor of Cesaro then it would have been fine. Since there were multiple people holding the same thing that could have been the reason for the sign removal. It would be nice if WWE didn't remove signs, but as long as people bring signs they dislike they're going to take them away whenever they want. That's just how it is whether we like it or not.