WWE Teases Another Faction Split On Raw

Judgment Day aren't the only WWE faction teasing tension and a split...

By Jamie Kennedy /


WWE teased friction between members of Imperium during last night's episode of flagship show Raw.


GUNTHER admonished Giovanni Vinci after he'd taken the fall in a tag-team match alongside partner Ludwig Kaiser; both lost to the returning Drew McIntyre (who was working his first match since April) and Matt Riddle in a hot bout to kick off the show.


Then, the reigning Intercontinental Champion stormed off and left Kaiser to stare down Vinci. Then, Ludwig walked away from his pal too. That left a puzzled Giovanni alone and wondering what was going on. Hopefully, this doesn't mean a split is on the horizon for the heel trio.

Imperium has been a regular highlight on WWE TV for years now, and their momentum has sustained despite jumping up from NXT to the main roster. GUNTHER is riding high as IC Champ, and the Kaiser/Vinci combo is a credit to the tag division.


Splitting them now would be a creative disaster, but it could happen. WWE teased it on Raw, at least. Now, hopes linger that they don't follow through and boot Giovanni from the faction.