WWE Told This Wrestler He..."Wasn't A Wrestler Anymore!"

This wrestler was shocked to find out he wasn't on active WWE roster sheets backstage.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Jinder Mahal was left shocked when he caught a glimpse of WWE's internal roster sheets for Raw and SmackDown following the 2023 Draft. Those sheets confirmed something: Mahal wasn't considered an active pro wrestler by the company any longer.


The released former WWE Champion told Chris Van Vliet on 'Insight' that he wasn't listed on the heel side next to his stablemates Indus Sher. Instead, Jinder was placed in brackets as a manager. When he asked writers to confirm what was going on, they said it had been brought up during production meetings before TV.


Nobody told Mahal what was going on though.

He'd been pitching six-man tags alongside Indus Sher, and had wondered why management showed next-to-no interest. Now he knew why - Triple H's creative team wanted to downplay Mahal's in-ring work and present him as a non-wrestler who was only there to back up his crew.


Those plans changed again when WWE booked Jinder vs. Seth Rollins earlier this year. He was then released from contract in April, and recently debuted in GCW.

It would've been courteous of WWE to actually tell Mahal what they had in mind for him, but...they didn't.
