WWE: Top 4 Scariest Ever Wrestling Entrance Themes

By Edan Nissen /

Kane's Entrance Entrance themes in the modern day era are as much about setting up a character as in ring attire or microphone attitude, and the best wrestlers will in turn have the best entrance themes, modelled on a perfect combination of pyrotechnics, entrance shuffle, music and video display. Many credit Glen Stride, a wrestler from the 50s as being the pioneer of the entrance theme, however, the practice didn€™t truly take off until the 80s and 90s, and perfected with the combination that sees every wrestler accompanied to the ring by a symphony of music, lights, pyrotechnics and an entrance video, to the point where even the commentators will have their own entrance video when they become involved in the story line. Entrance videos and music have been used mainly to lather crowds into frenzy, right until the point that some superstars are recognized from the first note of their entrance videos, such as the Rock, Booker T, Stone Cold and Triple H. However, sometimes wrestlers entrance themes can be used as a method of intimidation by certain wrestlers and the combination of the character, video and music can scare opponents and send a chill up the audiences€™ spine as well.