WWE Wants Sylvester Stallone For WrestleMania 40

"Rocky" icon wanted for big role in WWE's WrestleMania takeover of Philadelphia.

By Michael Hamflett /


WWE want Sylvester Stallone for WrestleMania 40 weekend.


This is per reliable scoopster account WrestleVotes, who tweeted;

"Sources within WWE indicate there is interest in collaborating with Sylvester Stallone for WrestleMania in some form. While any communication status is unclear, I’m told there's hope for it. Whether it ultimately ends up happening or not is to be determined. Stallone, born in NYC, gained fame through the iconic Rocky films, deeply associated with Philadelphia. Additionally, Stallone is no stranger to the WWE world, having inducted Hulk Hogan into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005".

Philadelphia itself is as much a part of the Rocky iconography as Stallone, with the steps leading up the East entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia affectionately known as the "Rocky Steps" after Stallone charged up them during a famous montage scene from the movie. There's a statue of the Rocky character immortalised in bronze in the city that now stands at the bottom of the steps as donated by Stallone, and it seems likely that both locations will factor in to WWE's promotion around the event.

As noted, Stallone inducted Hogan into the company's Hall Of Fame in 2005, having worked with him in Rocky III - the movie that helped make Hogan a household name alongside his monster 1980s Hulkamania run.
