WWE Wrestlemania 29: Who Will Induct Who At This Year's WWE Hall Of Fame Ceremony?

By Matt Aspin /

With Wrestlemania growing ever closer it means one other thing - this year's WWE Hall of Fame ceremony is also upon us and despite the calibre of this year's entrants many of the inductors have not yet been made public knowledge. Over the years we've seen some great pairings. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan and Sly Stallone and Pat Patterson and Mae Young. There's been some hideous choices too like inducting Pete Rose and Drew Carey but we're unlikely to ever get away from Vince's obsession with integrating wrestling with the mainstream. It's probably already a given backstage who has been announced and who will be making an appearance but with the odd exception nothing has been confirmed. With that in mind What Culture looks t each inductee and suggests who would be the best choice to induct each member of the Class of 2013.

Bruno Sammartino

For many wrestling fans the obvious choice to induct the legendary former WWWF Champion was Larry Zbysko his opponent from the infamous Shea Stadium show back in 1980. However with Zbysko's status as persona no grata in WWE this became increasingly unlikely although recently WWE actually mentioned him on RAW which seems feeling towards the outspoken self-professed 'Living Legend' has cooled somewhat. Despite all this WWE have instead opted to go with Sammartino's long time friend Hollywood actor and former 'Governator' Arnold Schwarzenegger. This decision may have a lot to do with linking a mainstream celebrity with the top bill for the night's event who has perhaps a less widespread fan base in today's modern audience.